“What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” - James Madison

Saturday, March 3, 2012

From Americanthinker.com: Obama, Israel and Iran

Obama, Israel and Iran:

Israelis are especially threatened because there is no doubt whatsoever that Iran's first order of business after acquiring nuclear weapons would be to attack Israel with them in an effort to wipe the country off the map, to remove it from the face of the earth. That is a given and the Israeli's know it.
They also know that the only way to stop an attack from happening is to keep nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands in the first place, that military intervention is the only way to do it, that the chances of Obama launching a preemptive strike are non-existent, that they will have to launch a preemptive strike themselves or suffer terrible consequences including millions of Israeli deaths and the very real possibility that their country will be destroyed and cease to exist and that time is running very short. It is a very simple proposition for the Israelis. Kill or be killed. If they want to survive they have to attack and they have to succeed.

A preemptive Israeli strike is something Obama doesn't want because it would reflect very badly on his failed policies, his lack of leadership, his inability to control or even influence events in the Middle East, his antipathy towards Israel, his sympathy for the Islamic world and his general ideological bent. That is something he cannot afford in this election year because it would cost him a large number of votes, which in turn could keep him from getting re-elected.


Israelis have learned through bitter experience that Obama can indeed be bluffed because they have been watching Iran (and many other enemies of America and Israel too for that matter) call his bluff for years. Should they trust Obama this time around in spite of his history and character and ideology?

Absolutely not. Not if they want to survive that is.

Trust Obama? No one else does, so why should they.

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