“What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” - James Madison

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20, 2011

Do you understand what the protesters are complaining about? "The measures causing all the ruckus in Wisconsin would require public-sector employees (excluding police and firefighters) to contribute half of their pension costs and at least 12 percent of their health care costs, which is a better deal than most Americans get. The public sector employees also would lose collective bargaining rights for anything other than pay. These are reasonable sacrifices to make in a time of fiscal crisis, and by resisting them, the demonstrators expose themselves as selfish and unreasonable." 5% towards retirement pensions and 12% towards health care coverage. In other words the state of Wisconsin was still willing to guarantee 95% of the pension, and 88% of the health care costs for state employees, and in doing so would be able to keep all current state employees, in a word, employed. That's it.
Good thing the vitriolic rhetoric has stopped:

Fake doctor's notes being handed out in Wisconsin

This isn't democracy. They're striking to PREVENT a democratic vote:

Obama has appointed a far left labor unionist to a security sensitive U.S. trade post -- and no one cares?

You still think there isn't a plan to fundamentally change the US?

Muslim cleric plans White House protest to attempt to spread Sharia law in America:

1 comment:

  1. As a fake doctor note is illegal but it helps alot to cover up the time gap.If you are not ill and you have taken leave on the bases of illness then you can use fake doctor note.

    kaiser permanente doctors note
